Why people have to be asshole, worse people making fool out of themselves.

4 min readJul 27, 2023

This is a story about person living in the big apple. He was living in a good life, but when he grew up. He was hanging with people that are bullshit destroy someone life, as he or she got older, he or she is asking help, from heaven, but he got helped. people who are bull shit, don't realize what happen to them, look what happened. someone from heaven that helped.

(No name told) for identity protection.

I John Doe was born and raised in New York City. I have a sister that name Jane Doe. since little as a child, i all the time had good connection with my sister we played video games together, drawing picture, or i dress a as a girl just for fun. In the past, i had good communication with my mom and papa. like when they take to movie to theater. call the cinema, what time movie will start, wow back then i had a good life being child. I always get what a want. like playing toys, or order rent video to see movie in a video player. What a good life. As i got older, turning older become age of 10 — beyond become a teen. My life got worse and worser. As i remember, I was saying. why are people not talking to me, why am i being left alone? Did I do something wrong, or they care, they are just selfish as greedy as pig, they know after people die. They will go to hell. What a moron. I know back then that I was saying to myself; that why am i being left alone, am i in the world. i am daydream i living in the street, being homeless, or why are you trying to kill. As I saying to myself

Looking at the sky. I am asking help from heaven, people can't see archangel, after people died. maybe see them in heaven If they never commit a crime or killing people. I was saying. Why people is trying to kill me, why don't they care, why rich people are so evil and criminal, Right wing politician are evil and fascist, they want to live in a dictatorship, not world in a democracy and it all about staying in power. Please also, when i am asking for money, they refuse to give it. Please i know i can't see you in person, after i die. I hope i can see my archangel, that who was protecting from evil. By giving a sign, who is old dirty bastard, trying to be ruining someone life. hmm. if you know i need money, please give money when i needed or give me money on the sidewalk, that i know is mine I can pick it up on street, i know you give me and i thank you for that. As days or month passed by quickly. It starts to go backward. No one would not talk to me or i would cry. Is it communication problem or they don't care. As i can tell, i start to have anger inside my body, and due to domestic violence and fight. does happen with family v family or brother hit their sister. When i can tell my anger was going to outburst, hit my sibling like my brother or sister where domestic violence happen, and where fight happen. Let go forward in 4 years later; my life was so worse, and it was went backward, heading to wrong way. I cried, was upset, why we never had good relationship with the loved one or friend. wondering? As i go to bed. i all the time crying and asking for helping in heaven, please i am being bully please, i am being left alone, no one can't support me people being bullshit to me. What a Douch bag. please “archangels contact them for heaven or god. please you the only parent, after i die, i do come to you, living in the planet earth was the worse nightmare on earth. why you send me on earth. I saying please. please take care of me , wherever i go outside and which worse people destroy my life. you give a sign , send prayer of angel , the power of the death give them punishment evil is not welcome here . As we are in 20 years later. What ever happen to me in the past. now happen back to them . You destroy someone so call “ power of the death archangel Azrael , people who destroy someone life like me , and tortured . will not be welcome heaven. archangel Azrael will follow ever you go. you will see you wil be booed at , will never be welcome in heaven , you will life will be worse. from a punishment that coming from heaven,, and the help of “ archangel Azrael . you killed people now it will happen back to you. People will hate you , you are evil , destroy innocent civilian , place them in a cell. like a villain name DJT. look what happen to him. he is criminal pathological liar and narcissist , you will be booed at stadium , you will never be welcome wherever you go . Look what happen. he got booed at a stadium, you hurt people life , you cant apolgoize your mistake, he destory himself being a criminal . They only way DJT can fix himself is going to jail. or as people get older they die because they are in the age of 80. they know will go to hell. Will never be welcome in heaven. He will live hell for good. Being a criminal and a mob boss.. just being a pathological liar , just lie everyday.




Who can I trust.. honest is kind of wisdom.. people who Lying too much ,, people cannot tell the truth & people have no feeling . showing temper is not cool